Monday, June 17, 2013

11/22/63: A Novel by Stephen King

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

Jake Epping is a high school English teacher who takes on the challenge of teaching students at an adult education facility. While working through a batch of essays at the end of the day, he finds himself moved by one in particular. Compelled to discover more information, he speaks with the author of the paper and strikes up a friendship. Jake takes him to celebrate a milestone in a diner where the owner, Al, has a secret. As a last chance to set things right, Al lets Jake in on the secret portal in his diner that would take him back to a time before President Kennedy was assassinated. Jake becomes convinced of the portal's reality and devises a plan to change history, both close to home and abroad. Unfortunately, he has to bear the burden of those changes as well as the knowledge that no one must ever know about his journey.

The story starts in the present day and yet slips back and forth through time with ease. The format was not difficult to follow, keeping the flow of the story unhindered. It was action-packed and kept me guessing from the moment Jake first went through the portal. One of the early plot twists that the author put into play has consequences far beyond what I would have imagined for the characters and the world itself. Stephen King does a great job of layering the descriptions of the era and places the portal leads Jake and the reader to. With the action were equal parts comedy and heartache that left me wanting to turn the page to find out what was going to happen more often than I wanted to put the book down. It was a great story from start to finish and one that I would recommend to lovers of Stephen King and those who have yet to discover him.

11/22/63: A Novel by Stephen King can be purchased in many forms including hardback, paperback, Kindle form and in various audiobook formats. It can be found at major retailers or at at the link below.
11/22/63: A Novel by Stephen King

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