Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Currently Reading

Spring has brought back the chilly weather for the next few days. It's the perfect opportunity to snuggle down with a comfortable blanket, a cup of something warm to drink and a pile of books next to me. Unfortunately, that's not what I've been able to do here lately. So far the year has been living up to its name as a year of change.

I'm almost completely well from my surgery. Since I feel like a different person, I've been able to focus on my to-do and TBR lists a little more each day. I was even able to spend some time writing a few days last week. Then only downside that I've noticed is my endurance is lower than it used to be before the surgery. Time to work on that as I'm working on everything else. One step at a time, one book at a time.

Devouring these words one at a time;
The Saeshell Book of Time, Part 1: The Death of Innocents (Children of Sophista #1) by Rusty Biesele
Jackfish Reborn by Rejean Giguere
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
Say You Will (Summerhill Book 1) by Kate Perry
Prince Lestat by Anne Rice
Shadow Ritual (Antoine Marcas #2) by Eric Giacometti, Jacques Ravenne
Mom on the Road: A Novel by Allyson Ochs Primack

Feeling satisfied with these offerings;
Revival: A Novel by Stephen King 
Too Close to Me by Dave Pelzer
Woods Runner: Massacre at Schenectady 1690 by Rejean Giguere

With everything piling on my shoulders, it's sometimes hard to keep moving forward and stay in a positive frame of mind. Books help to take my mind from the troubles for a little while. That's exactly what I need to relax and recharge. How do books help you during troubled times?

Until next time,
Kay B

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