Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Currently Reading

The sense of accomplishment at the end of a project is one to savor. I love how it feels to finally have all the pieces put into place. Only downside? There's always another project to take place of the previous one. In a way I'm glad that it's an endless cycle of various projects to keep me busy and my mind sharp. However, I have to remind myself to take a moment and just let the projects be done in order to work on other things.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been sneaking in some writing on a couple of different stories. Nothing too exciting at the moment to shout about, but they're all still in the beginning stages. I'm not sure where any of them are going right now. A few sentences on this one, two pages on that one - they're growing bit by bit. I know there will come a time when my muse will wake up and grab my attention. I'm just waiting on it.

Spending time with these books;
The Saeshell Book of Time, Part 1: The Death of Innocents (Children of Sophista #1) by Rusty Biesele
Jackfish Reborn by Rejean Giguere
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
Say You Will (Summerhill Book 1) by Kate Perry
Prince Lestat by Anne Rice 
Dragonholder: The Life and Dreams (So Far) of Anne McCaffrey by Todd McCaffrey

Time's up for the following;
The Resurrection Maker: A Thriller by Glenn Cooper

The year has barely begun and I'm ahead of where I need to be on my reading goal. I know that may not last though, given all the bumps and roadblocks I had during last year. So I feel I better stay ahead if I want to keep on pace. What's been marked off your to-do list so far this year?

Until next time,
Kay B

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