Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Currently Reading

I can honestly say that the new year hasn't been boring so far. I do wish that some of these exciting moments either didn't happen or waited until further in the year. Having to deal with these issues all at once has truly stretched my strength to its limit. We are currently in the midst of a quest to figure out what may be wrong with my husband's health. It's been an up and down type of path, but I'm hoping the answers will come soon and will be among the positive categories.

To ease the anxiety that has filled my time, I have spent more than a few moments with my TBR list and my writings. Reading has always been one of my main ways to escape. With the advances in technology, more and more books can fit on my TBR without having to be on my bookshelves. I can hold thousands on my Kindle. Reading them all will take forever, but I'm certain that I'm up for the challenge. 

These are distracting me from those resolutions;
The Saeshell Book of Time, Part 1: The Death of Innocents (Children of Sophista #1) by Rusty Biesele
Jackfish Reborn by Rejean Giguere
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
Say You Will (Summerhill Book 1) by Kate Perry
Queen Mab by Kate Danley
The Resurrection Maker by Glenn Cooper

Knocked these right off the list;
Glamour of the God-Touched (Saga of the God-Touched Mage #1) by Ron Collins
The Undertaker's Daughter by Kate Mayfield
Bridge to Destiny by April Marie Libs

Still not exactly sure when we will have all the answers we seek, but I know I can fill my time with other worlds, exciting adventures, creepy monsters, and romances that span lifetimes. What helps you pass the time when you're anxious?

Until next time,
Kay B

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