Now, this was a week where I felt more like my old self! I wish that the past few months had been this productive in all areas and not just in reading. Here's to hoping that this trend continues!
The weather had been cool and fall-like for the past few weeks. It has now decided to announce that summer's not finished just yet and therefore, it has unleashed humidity and storms in our area. Could this be the reason behind my sudden boost in activity? I'm not sure, but I do know that I'm grateful for it nonetheless. The humidity doesn't help my breathing. That's not a plus. However, I am thankful for my a/c, so I will just keep on keeping on.
Atop the pile this week are;
The Saeshell Book of Time, Part 1: The Death of Innocents (Children of Sophista #1) by Rusty Biesele
Jackfish Reborn by Rejean Giguere
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
Guilty by Association (Rachel Knight #1) by Marcia Clark
I've finished the following:
A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1) by George R.R. Martin
The Phantom of Fifth Avenue: The Mysterious Life and Scandalous Death of Heiress Huguette Clark by Meryl Gordon
The City: A Novel by Dean Koontz
If the storms aren't too bad, I may be able to slip in a few more pages tonight and knock a few more books off the TBR pile. I've had some great authors send requests for reads/reviews in the past week and I'm excited to get to those books. Remembering to keep to my list is hard to do at times. I want to skip some and go straight to the exciting ones. But that's definitely not fair to those who have dutifully waited for my attention. Do you keep a strict TBR list or is it more of a fluid to-read situation?
Until next time,
Kay B
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