Ah, the last week of April. We've had some wild weather across the United States in the past few days. The old saying "April showers bring May flowers" may never be more appropriate. However, I wish that the storms weren't so severe. Many lives have been lost and changed forever by this latest weather system. My thoughts and prayers go out to each person affected.
The end of the month also brings closer too many deadlines for some of my various projects. I never really thought that I was a busy person until I began trying to accomplish a number of things at the same time. Learning how to correctly juggle my time has been the biggest hurdle with the various illnesses and bad days that have zapped my strength in the previous months. I've wrangled myself into some sort of disciplined state of making a list and going through one thing at a time.
Sneaking to the upper part of my TBR pile;
The Saeshell Book of Time, Part 1: The Death of Innocents (Children of Sophista #1) by Rusty Biesele
Jackfish Reborn by Rejean Giguere
Hush by Stacey S. Campbell
Bones of My Brother by L. Frank Dunkin
The Terminals: Spark (The Terminals #1) by Michael F. Stewart
Read and gone are these;
The Here and Now by Ann Brashares
Well, now comes the fun part of today! Starting tomorrow, Confessions of a Word Addict will be celebrating its one year anniversary for the whole month of May! I will be posting the rules for not one, but two contests for the month tomorrow, May 1st. Each has a prize of a $25 Amazon giftcard.
I'm super excited that the blog has reached its first year! It's been a really cool, amazing journey so far. I cannot wait to see what books and adventures the future holds for the blog and you, my awesome readers!
Until next time,
Kay B
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