Another month begins. Another season takes hold. Now that it's April, the weather should stay on the warm side. Knowing this region, however, I believe we may get a surprise cold snap a time or two before Winter officially leaves the building. It's this transitional period where it's not hot enough to warrant using the air conditioners but not cold enough to use the heat any longer. Time to pile on the blankets, just in case.
I've been battling various illnesses for the better part of the last three months. For whatever reason, my system has decided to host any sinus, flu or cold bug that came to visit and offered hospitality for an extended stay. Finally feeling more like myself, I'm hoping to push through the tired feeling in order to get caught up on a number of things - especially reading. My goal for the year is 120 and so far, I'm behind by 5 books. Time to kick it into high gear!
I've got my eyes on these books;
The Saeshell Book of Time, Part 1: The Death of Innocents (Children of Sophista #1) by Rusty Biesele
The Reaver: The Sundering, Book IV by Richard Lee Byers
Jackfish Reborn by Rejean Giguere
No longer on the list;
Fractal Standard Time (Chronopticus Chronicles #1) by Michael Galloway
Fire-Heart (Tales of Alterra, The World That Is #2) by C.S. Marks
There are some exciting things coming for the blog. May brings the one year anniversary and I'm planning to do at least two giveaways. So you'll have come back often to find out how to enter and what's up for grabs. In the meantime, I wish you pleasant days and nights filled with many wordy delights. Do you have a favorite season? If so, which one is it and why? Let me know in the comments.
Until next time,
Kay B
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