Ah, return to normalcy. Well, at least my screwed-up version of normal at any rate.
That's what I thought was going to happen when I started to get better from all the usual breathing troubles. Then I get sidelined by emergency surgery. Oh yeah! I've spent three and a half days in the hospital and am so grateful to be home. Truly I am thankful for modern medicine. Spending weeks in the hospital was not what I was thinking of when I envisioned myself to getting back on my feet. Yet, here we are and I'm so ready to get back into the groove.
With as many pauses as I've had to take over the past six months, I've felt so bad for not living up to the promises I made for this blog. I promise that I'm working my way back to that level. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later. Lots of wonderful books coming up on the TBR list and I am making a point to make headway on the printed books lingering at the top of that list. To be honest, it was easier to read the Kindle than hold a book many days. That was then. Today is much brighter and I'm eager to get back at it.
Still working on the writing. Community projects are still on the agenda. My main focus has shifted back to the reading and reviewing for a while. Hope this month brings much progress for your projects as well. Warmer temperatures, more sunshine and green everywhere makes a huge difference!
Until next time,
Kay B
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