Sunday, December 1, 2013

December's Hopes and Dreams

The year's nearly over and I'm still wishing for more time! I really want to knock a whole lot of books off of my TBR pile but I know that it'll never be enough for me. For every book I finish reading, there are two or three more jumping onto the pile and vying for my attention. In a strange way I enjoy it - this wordy addiction of mine.

December is shaping up to be a quiet month where I can get a lot of reading done. Yes, I am including the holidays in that statement as well. For now I have no other obligations that demand my time but reading, writing and the super secret projects with no deadline for completion. My poor hands do need a break. The next month and a half, I'm letting them type or turn pages only. Maybe an occasional crochet moment. Maybe.

I am sad to say that I didn't "win" NaNoWriMo 2013. With everything else going on in the first part of the month, I found only a few moments at a time to write. After things settled down, my mind blanked on the first novel I began at the beginning at the month so I began a different one. In the end, I do have a fairly large amount written on both of the novels, plus I have some research put into the novel I finished last year. I'm hopeful editing will begin in 2014 while I work on the other two as well.

November wasn't a total bust in the writing department, however. Alongside the two beginnings, I knocked out several poems. They seem to be on the darker side of things. Given the events in my personal life as of late, I think it's to be expected. My poor laptop is going to play a revolt soon, I fear. I've been busy typing up a lot of my handwritten works for safe keeping or editing at a later day. Can you hear the groaning yet?

The great thing about November? I hit my reading goal for the year. THE YEAR! I gave myself a long standing goal to read 100 books by the end of 2013. That has been my goal for several years. One thing or another kept me from achieving that goal. Not this time! I smashed through it and increased it to 105. I think I will keep it at 105 for the remainder of the year, regardless of whether I read past it. 2014 will have to top this one in a big way!

With the holidays coming up, do you sneak in some extra reading time? Are your days filled to the brims with other activities? I hope that you all have a wonderful month with awesome holiday memories. Don't forget to keep reading!

Until next time,


  1. Congrats on smashing through your goal. That is quite an accomplishment indeed! I love you, my dear friend (mdf). <3

  2. Thank you so much! I truly never thought I'd reach the goal. I'm so glad I did. ((hugs))
